Hari ni on je I-phone tetiba kat inbox mail ada 40 e-mail..terkejut akak..scroll down satu-satu ada satu email amaran dari Yahoo!!!..kat bawah ni isi kandung email tu..serius terus tukar katakunci baru.Alam maya pun dah tak selamat, apatah lagi alam realiti, alam barzah ???? Akan selamat selagi kita dilaluan yang sebenarnya.
Masih ragu-ragu dengan kesahihannya.
Hi ati,
We detected a login attempt with valid password to your Yahoo! account from an unrecognized device on Tue, Mar 12, 2013 10:25 PM CET.
Location: Germany (IP=
Note: The location is based on information from your Internet service or wireless carrier provider.
Was this you? If so, you can disregard the rest of this email.
If this wasn't you, please follow the links below to protect your Yahoo! account information from potential future account compromise:
* Activate second sign-in verification with your mobile phone
* Review your login activity
* Change your password
* Update your account password reset info
To learn how sign-in alerts like this one can help you to protect your account information, please visit the Help Center.
Yahoo! Account Services
Please do not reply to this message. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Siap detect IP ke? IP fara selalu kena curi..huhu..